September 30, 2004

Another job proposition??

Strangely this comes at a time of change in my current job. The other manager that I've worked with for nearly ten years has taken a position at another location within the company. That means his job is up for grabs. I have an inkling as to who might want it but nothing is a sure bet. The main reason I have stayed at the current location is because we have a good working relationship and we are also good friends. We have both been talking about moving on to another job within the company because this one is becoming unmanageable. I had tried for another job (see previous posts) without success.

This job offer is beyond the confines of the current job. This would require a major shift in outlook on life in general. I would be working days instead of nights. If the pay is right I could quit my second job (that alone would make it worthwhile!)The position would have no protections like the current job does. There would be no guarantees of any type. It would, however be a fascinating place to work! If the company could meet the salary requirements I listed on the resume I would seriously consider the move. It's rather unnerving considering all the implications of the change. Nearly 18 consecutive years at one job and in a leap of blind faith leaving that comfort?? Hmmm, I don't know!! I'm currently waiting for them to contact me. I think if I knew that they wanted me and had an idea of what my responsibilities would be, I could make up my mind fairly easily.

More to come....

September 17, 2004

How stupid we are!

This MSNBC article has about as much rationale as Dan Rather saying that even if the documents are forged we still need answers to the questions in them. The headline is completely misleading. There were WMD's post Gulf War and there was a massive cover-up by the Iraqi regime. This is verifiable through the UN's own documentation.


It's a rather lenghty documentation but if you scroll to some key dates you can see the pattern of blatant deception and refusal to cooperate with inspectors. Start with 19Mar1992 then skip to 1Jul1995, 8Aug1995, Sep1997, Oct1997 and 8Apr1998. If you read all of the entries between these dates you see comment after comment of refusals, denials, retractions, failures, rejections, condemnations and the list goes on.

The MSM hopes that the "sheeple" will only read the headline. Their ADD symptoms will barely allow them reach a cognitive conclusion from that one broken sentence. All the information the "sheeple" will need is contained in that brief headline statement of "Iraq had no WMD".

You will be assimilated....

September 16, 2004

Wow! Blogs can do that??

I am in awe of the impact that bloggers have had on the Rathergate or docugate or whatever scandal it should be called. Huge Kudos to the Hugh Hewitt show for consistantly having blogger guests on his program. It's really an exciting time for the "blogosphere". There are people just like you and me (well, maybe not me...or you for that matter) that are having an impact on the national political scene and helping keep the crooks in line and under the microscope.

A few short months ago I signed up for this "blog thing" I heard about from a friend. I really had no idea how important it already was. I was a victim of the MSM even though I thought I was getting some alternative news here and there. The sheer amount of punditry available in the blogospere is mind boggling. Granted not all opinions are as tasty or filling as others but the vast menu makes it impossible to go hungry for news and information! I could only hope that one day my simpleton opinions will be bantered about on the Northern Alliance Radio Network or linked to from Little Green Footballs or Powerline. Oh, that I would have an eight hour (or less) work day and be able to blog for another 16!! I suppose the meals of Top Ramen and Saltines would aggravate the family types that live in the house. A ration of iced Chai and some other blended beverages that cost waaay too much should squelch any signs of rebellion for a day or two.

September 04, 2004

September 03, 2004

Post RNC buzz

Two posts within 5 days!!
This must be my new leaf turning over. I think actually it was the motivation of a positive message from the RNC this week. I know I must be a toatlly pathetic political geek to have watched the convention. I even went so far as to TiVo it so I wouldn't miss Bush's speech!

I really feel proud to be an American after a week of uplifting motivational speeches which helped to keep us focused on our goal of destroying the murderous Islamo-fascists. The recent kidnapping and murder of hundreds of Russian men, women and children by Chechnyan seperatists (STOP CALLING THEM THAT! THEY ARE ISLAMO-FASCIST TERRORISTS!) only reinforces the need for us to be on the offensive and to completely obliterate Islamo-fascism. These evil barbarians have no regard for human life. Therefore it is only fitting that we have no regard for their lives in hunting down and killing every last one of them.

Oh, My!! that doesn't sound too politically correct Mr. Blogger!

You are correct! If we do not destroy them first, it is obvious that they have no qualms about destroying us. It is a horrifying thought to actually be advocating killing people. Unfortunately the terrorist Islamo-fascists do not have the same moral foundation as the civilized world. These fanatical zealots kill their own children by encouraging them to be homocide bombers. They teach them how to kill "the infidels" in their perverted "schools". They teach their children that they will be glorious martyrs when they murder innocent people in their quest for religious world homogenization. Islam is the only true religion and all non-believers should be killed they are told. They tell them that allah will bless them and let them rape 72 virgins in "heaven" after they kill their innocent victims and their selves. What a disturbing tenet of a violent religion that is. If we do not kill them first, they will, without batting an eye, kill us. It may be very disturbing but I certainly think we need to get them before they get us!

How many more horrific murders need to occur before you sheeple understand that this is not just a fight for America, it is a fight for civilization! WAKE UP!!