February 17, 2008

Nearly 150 Years of Stories

The abandoned Laine's Grocery Store in Alviso originally built in 1865 could tell a few tales, I'm sure. Today it sits crumbling and decayed next to the railroad tracks. It's facade nearing the point of no return.


Through my Flickr page I've been corresponding with folks all over the country (and the world for that matter) who have the same interest in railfanning. I was contacted by an individual who wanted to use one of my pictures for their blog. I was quite honored that they would think highly enough of it to want to display it to their readers. I gave him permission to use it. Come to find out he's a conductor for Amtrak and does the Capitol Corridor run from Sacramento to San Jose. He may very well have been on the the train in the image in my last post. I haven't heard from him confirming that, but we'll see. It seems like a consistantly smaller and smaller world as we barrel headlong into the communications and social networking era. Here's a link to his blog "Bad Iron"

I Think It's "The One"

You would only understand this term if you were an enthusiast. So this is "the one", at least until another, grander one comes along. You can also view it large on my Flickr page

February 15, 2008

Umm, what kind of test??

Umm, what kind of test??
Originally uploaded by sharkzʒan
I'm such a horrible blogger. Joe will attest to that. I think it's been so long since I've posted anything that I've probably lost all my readers (Joe and Mom). I couldn't pass up this picture, however. I drive by this place nearly everyday at work and today, after a night of heavy winds, I was treated to this picture opportunity.