September 27, 2008

A Basic Human Right - The Pusuit Of Happiness

Unless you live an Islamic nation like Iran. Instead, they just kill you if you try to find happiness or disagree with them.

Leftists say we have nothing to fear from Iran trying to use nuclear power for it's countries energy needs. We need to have a dialog with them. We need to understand them.


A country run by neanderthal fanatics who could care less what the rest of the world thinks shouldn't be within a hemisphere of a nuclear reactor.

Click the post title for the full story.


  1. Agreed. Let's bomb every Country that isn't a Democracy.

    *rolls eyes*

    I still can't believe people haven't figured out why all these nations want nuclear power. Because AMERICA is a bully! Think about it. If you have an older brother who is a complete prick wouldn't you want something to defend yourself? That is what these Countries want. If we weren't such assholes to all the smaller Countries we would not be in this mess.

    I find your last sentence strange.

    "A country run by neanderthal fanatics who could care less what the rest of the world thinks shouldn't be within a hemisphere of a nuclear reactor."

    What are we if I may ask? Does the US Govt. care about what the rest of the world thinks?

    I feel sorry for us. Being fed so much bullshit. Politicians talk to us as if the Govt. is some sort of evil and we should cast it aside. HELLO! We are the Govt.! We the people who elect the politicians! Govt. should be scared of us and not the other way around!!

    PS: Don't take it the wrong way :) Not trying to sound like a jerk. Feel free to give me your views on my blog sir.

  2. Did I say anywhere in my post that we should bomb anyone?

    *rolling my own eyes*

    You say all these nations want nuclear power because they are afraid of us?? We are the bully of the world? Who have we picked a fight with? (here's where you say Iraq had no WMD)

    The US is not an imperial nation. We don't go around the world conquering other countries trying to build an empire. We spill our blood so that others may have the freedoms that we enjoy. No other nation on earth has given so many lives for the freedom of others.

    You said, "What are we if I may ask? Does the US Govt. care about what the rest of the world thinks?"

    If you read the article I was blogging about, it says that "Iran does not easily succumb to international pressure." The U.S. is very aware of it's positions and how it reflects it's image. If we were pressured by another country regarding an issue of freedom, I can guarantee we would react. Iran, on the other hand, would flip us the proverbial bird.

    I don't think you sound like a jerk. I DO think you need to research some of your opinions and not just spout a leftist opinion with no facts to back it up. Having a heated debate is a pleasure but debating "opinion" really gets us nowhere.

    Thanks for posting comments!!


Always glad to have some form of reaction/response to my posts. Caustic or otherwise.